Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tamiko Akutsu Marques - Brasil

Simon Warren 114

Herve Alexandre - Paris

Michel Della Vedova - Limonges

Kat sends brithday greetings to Picasso!

8 beautiful collaged postcards from Jiří Šubrt (Czech Republic)








Many thanks for a full and wide assortment of imagery, colour and comment. I am planning an exhibition in a local library before Christmas and look forward to hanging you pieces!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Dust or Seed from Rahael L (San Jose, CA)

Wonderful haptic quality to this collage!  Also appreciate the stamped pointer that this card will be part of the next exhibition.

Friday, October 11, 2013

More insights on Memories from Simon Warren

One day soon I need to go back and re-read Simon's memory insights and compile a list.  I was listening to Penelope Lively tonight about her new book.  She talked about being 80 and being able to write with experience from all ages.  She reckons she can still summon a 20 year old self. They say everyone has a time that is their time, that they come back to.  

In these four posts I hear Simon talking in the present talking to his audience and to himself. 

Simon's holes and circles and his word, 'erosion' makes me realise that aging makes holes and moles and other growths.  

I am drawn to Simon's lorum ipsum lines, his ellipsis, his asemic scribble and the way he has varied the size of his hardwriting. 

Where has Simon been? 

Recently I sent something to Simon that was inspired by his holes. Sometimes I find it difficult to let go of a thing I make intentionally.  This time I sent it.  As I finished it I felt Nancy Bell Scott had taken possession of my iron and chosen my scraps.  This is a painted altered book page  with holes and plastic.