Thursday, September 12, 2013

Memories from Daniel de Pullá (Spain)

Love the stories in these!

'Blowing' From Claudìa Garcia

Although Claudia has not specifically mentioned 'Memories are Made of This' I am putting this here as I believe it as a memory.  I will be finding a new space soon to show my Two boxes worth of stuff! The Forest in Edinburgh has asked us back, What do you think?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Serse Luigetti sends memories

An artist's envelope of memories from Romania - Mariana and her students send more!

Mariana Serban

Mariana Serban

(student) Mezo Gabalos

(Student) Onaleke Andreea Beatrice

Sorriodi, Brigitta

(Student) Sorriodi, Brigitta

student 17 years

Mariana Serban

Mariana Serban

Mariana Serban

Mariana Serban

Tamara Wyndham sends memories out of time

Tamara Wyndham

Elizabeth Obelenus

Elizabeth Obelenus
On the back of the reading Tamara explains that she has altered (painted) the postcard and also enclosed a photo copy of a postcard made by her deceased friend Elizabeth Obelenus.

I notice the vivid colour - controlled in squares and tempered in some way - and the absence, almost like a dialogue.  Beautiful pairing and the suggestion of a memory obscured.

I will be finding a new pop up venue so that I can share Tamara and others' work.  Many thanks.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

An U sends poignant memories of a fleeting summer

Although scanning shells is problematic, I suspect you will be able to feel the sensory overload on these cards sent by An. U. They feel so universal without being in the least nostalgic or predictable. It's as if I am holding a memory, counting to myself like tying knots on a rope in an effort to fix the beauty, excitement, emotions of a time on the way out.

 I linger on the gold, the fragments.  I run my finger over the haptic surface. Those eyes know so much!
This one is postcard size, the others are ATC size, although neither are standard or even the same. This is a trash quilt of sorts, an opulent and sultry trash quilt sqare with a story to tell! Look at those implied textures, definately vispo.

And then the envelope suggests the tactile inside. It is all reminiscent of the the Barbara Hepworth garden.  I don't know Latvia but it must have something of Cornwall about it...  Beautiful and thank you An U!

Kat's summer memory is red hot.

Love the way this 'K' dips her tow in the red sea. In England we are having a last gasp of summer and I am certainly enjoying it!

Great stamps.  the paddles make me homesick for Maine!